Making Books Together
Non Standard Exhibition
‘Making Books Together’ is a travelling exhibiton displaying in depth the 19 books of the publisher Non Standard by Editor in Chief Elodie Boyer.
In this poster, the book collection takes center stage, highlighting its importance and value. The design emphasizes how book collections are utilized and enjoyed once they are purchased. By visually representing the ways we use and stack books in our homes, the poster connects with viewers on a personal level, showcasing the everyday life of book lovers. This approach not only celebrates the beauty and diversity of the collection but also reflects the warmth and familiarity of having books as a part of our living spaces.
- Branding
- Poster Design
- Visual Identity
Publisher, Editor in ChiefElodie Boyer
Bernd HilpertScenography
Creative Director, DesignerRejane Dal Bello
Graphique LezardPrinter